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HIIT Cardio | Master of fat burning and muscle building

HIIT Cardio | Master of fat burning and muscle building
HIIT Cardio Vs LISS Cardio

HIIT Cardio | Master of fat burning and muscle building

  • Overview
  • Types of Cardio
  • The Best Cardio
  • Why HIIT Is More Effective


Almost every sports coach or professional would suggest that you fit some cardio sessions into your training program if you practise any sports ever. Otherwise, if cardio is the only physical activity you do along with daily routines like working, doing chores or walking, this is also fine.

Next, I'm going to talk about the two types of cardio and then finish off by pointing out the best one of the two along with mentioning its benefits.

Types of Cardio

As you may know, there are two types of cardio:

1. The Regular Cardio: 

This type of ardio is of a low to medium inrtensity. This can be a brisk walk, riding a bicycle, jogging... 

It is called LISS cardio which stands for Low Intensity Stable State. So, basically, it's any physical activity of indurance that you can keep for a relatively long period of time.

2. HIIT Cardio: 

This second type is short for High Intensity Interval Training. 

The name says it all; this cardio is intense and consists of either one or more exercises that are performed in intervals of, say ,30 seconds. 

For example you spend 30 seconds on these: sprints, high jumps, push ups, burpees, crunches, and superman pose...That's one round, then rest for a minute and go for another 2 or 3 rounds.

The Best Cardio

HIIT is believed to be the best cardio as it is shorter and more effective. 

Regular cardio makes you lose both fat and muscle tissue. However, HIIT Burns fat while you're performing it and keeps burning it during the next 24 hours. 

Not only that, it also increases your testosterone and increases your muscle mass.

Why HIIT is More Effective 

This type of cardio increases the heart rate to the range that is required for fat to be burned. 

The heart rate range depends on your age; make this simple calculation to know what's yours (220 - your age; the 60% to 70% of that amount is what you need to start burning fat)

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