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How to Lose Water Weight | You Are Not Fat

How to Lose Water Weight | You Are Not Fat
Slim Down Your Waist Fast

How to Lose Water Weight | You Are Not Fat

  • Overview
  • Causes of Water Retention
  • How to Get Rid of Water Weight


Do you know that a large number of people who are conceived to be fat are not actually fat?

In many cases, it's just fluid retention, or more commonly know as water weight which makes them look out of shape. 

Causes of Water Retention 

Our bodies hold on to water when certain compounds gets into our system in larger amount than it's needed. 

The famous compound leading to water weight is sodium (salt) which is often times a challenge to keep it in check due to our nowadays eating habits. 

The ratio of sodium to water in the body needs to be always stable, that's why the more your salt intake goes up, the more water your body holds on to. 

Also, when carbs are digested and stored in the muscles as glycogen, water is stored with it, this is why you feel your muscles full when you have plenty of carb rich foods. 

How to Lose Water Weight | You Are Not Fat
Hydration Keeps your Belly Down

How to Get Rid of Water Weight 

You can flush out that retained water immediately if you follow a certain routine. First of all, you must lower your sodium intake; this compound comes hidden in many foods such as cheese, snacks like chips and pop corn, processed meat, spices, etc. 

In addition to the salt added to the food cooked at home. So, basically people go way past the recommended amount of salt without even knowing it. 

You also need to cut down your carbs, obviously, especially sugars and artificial sweeteners. 

 Have more vegetables and foods rich in magnesium and vitamin B, especially B6; or you can suplement with them if you think your food doesn't provide enough of these. 

Exercise is highly recommended here too as it makes you lose a significant amount of retained fluids through sweating by the end of the workout. 

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