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Spot Fat Reduction Myth and Truth

Spot Fat Reduction Myth and Truth
How Burn Stubborn Fat

Spot Fat Reduction Myth and Truth

  • Oveview
  • Why Spot Reduction is a Myth
  • What You Should Do Instead


The idea of targeted belly fat burning through doing substantial amount of abs training has recently spread dreadfully. 

You can see a lot of people going to the gym and all they do is crunches, twists and leg raises, sacrificing a good session's work that could be directed towards other body parts. 

I'm not talking about fitting in an abs workout in a training routine, I'm rather speaking of those who train abs ridiculously too much that they don't alocate enough time for other muscle groups. 

Why Spot Reduction is a Myth 

This is wrong on so many levels. Focusing on training any muscle more will definitely result in more prominent size compared to the rest of the body. 

For example, if you train chest harder and more frequently, you are more likely to have a big pronounced pair of pecs. 

The same talk would be about arms, legs, and inevitably abs. 

Just envision this with me; you are training abs because in your mind you're thinking of slimming down your midsection, but since training muscles promotes their growth, you'll end up thickening up that area instead... 

Well, the only difference from the original saggy fat abdomen is that you now have a more defined bubbly thick belly. 

In addition to that, training abs very frequently will make you waste time and money in the gym, for this is not the fastest and most efficient way to burn that fat bothering you. 

What you should do instead 

Your aim of burning fat can be achieved more efficiently if you target bigger muscle groups, like legs and back, and apply more compound movements like the squat, deadlift and bench press. 

The more muscles are recruited, the more energy is needed to complete the task of lifting the weights. 

Moreover, if you're following a good diet, then your energy will be generated from burning your own fat. If you are confused which diet you should follow, have a look at the previous article about the keto 

When you train with your whole body, fat will be burned from all your body. 

Usually, you will notice a reduction of fat in the upper body first before you can see more stubborn areas (like the belly and thighs) start slimming down. 

Therefore, you have to keep patient and consistent in order to see the desired results. 

Remember that your diet is a very important component here; you have to be healthy first and then you'll start burning fat, it's never the other way round.   

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