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Losing Belly Fat Made Simple | Burn Fat By Increasing Insulin Sensitivity

Losing Belly Fat Made Simple | Burn Fat By Reducing Insulin Sensitivity
Burn Stubborn Belly Fat

Losing belly fat made simple|Burn Fat By Increasing Insulin Sensitivity

  • Overview
  • Common Mistakes
  • An Approach You Should Be Trying


A lot of people around the world are living a constant struggle with belly fat. 

Even those who manage to lose significant amount of weight still find it challenging to burn that last bit of stubborn love handles. 

The problem with people not getting the desired result is often times due to following the wrong approach. 

Exercise is a staple thing here,  but believe me, you can do without it if you adopt the eating habits that suits your body. 

Below, I'm going to discuss the approach that actually worked for me really well Versus what's commonly believed and widely used by the population. 

Common Mistakes

Starving oneself and eating 'empty' food is what's believed to work. Sometimes hardcore exercise along with that poor diet is restored to as well. 

The problem with this is that the body gets depleted of it's vitamins and minerals which are essential for body and brain functions. 

Yet, people still do it because they do see fast results. With this approach you lose not only fat but muscle tissue as well ,and you're very likely to fall sick and develop a weak immune system. 

Moreover, you can wind up like you were in the first place if not worse once you stop that diet and start eating like you used to. 

An Approach You Should Be Trying

To burn fat, you need to address the thing that caused the problem. I'm not going to get into the details here, but what you should know is that fat builds up in the body due to low insulin sensitivity and that's primarily because of too much sugary foods. 

Knowing the cause, you should now follow a diet that improves insulin sensitivity. 

One of the best ways to do that is adopting a kito diet along with intermittent fasting. 

In this diet, your calories from sugar containing foods should be about 10% of your daily intake. 

Intermittent fasting will improve insulin sensitivity, letting all the glucose into the muscle cells to produce energy or build muscle mass rather than being stored as fat. 

One more benefit of intermittent fasting is that it improved the secretion of the Human Growth Hormone (HGH)  which makes your bones stronger, and hence being able to carry more muscle tissue. 

This hormone stops producing once you start eating upon waking up, so stop having your breakfast early in the morning; have your first meal as late as possible. 

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