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6 Ways to Optamize Your Overall Health | Be Healthy In and Out With Simple But Effective Routines

6 Ways to Optimize Your Health
  • Change Is In Your Mind
  • The Human Body
  • Ways to Optimize Your Health

Change Is In Your Mind
When it comes to improving one’s health through adopting a certain lifestyle that includes strict following of eating patterns, exercise and rest, most people would end up saying, “Well I can’t do that now.”  “I can’t afford it.”  “It’s a hustle.” This kind of statements is really terrible in the sense that they shut down your brain and take off your shoulders any responsibility to change yourself to the better.

However, questions like, “How can I afford it?” or “How can I see it done?” or any other ones (with the same intention) can do wonders for you. Questions like these open up your mind to think of ways that will lead you straight to your goals. Statements make you lazy; questions get you alert and ready to act. Therefore, if your goal is to optimize your health, start asking the right questions that will turn your dream into a goal and eventually to reality.

The Human Body
The human body is the most complicated and evolved machine that operates with a highly complex system. With this complexity in nature, comes a bigger responsibility to constantly maintain and nourish it to keep it in its optimal working condition. Also, repair in case of breakdown is a must. A hinge can get rusty if the door hasn’t been used for a while; rust accumulates because of the state of no motion and no nourishment or repair (Oiling the hinges). Pretty much the same happens with our bodies; toxins accumulate and overload our neglected systems.

Everything you do on a day-to-day basic either makes or breaks your body. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is not that hard; in fact it is easier than most people think, but because of the statements they make, everything seems to be impossible and the current routine that devastates their bodies feels like an “okay” thing to do. Being satisfied with "an okay health " is the root of the problem;  you should aspire change and be hungry for it. 

Ways to Optimize Your Health
Here are some great routines to do if you want to improve your life quality and enjoy every aspect of it:

1. Notice Your Breathing: Most people breathe subconsciously because it is a biological need; if you do not breathe, it means you are dead. However, if you take some time daily to do deep breathing in a more controlled manner, you will notice a huge difference in the long run. We can get rid of most of body toxins through correct exhalation.

2. Look After Your Internal Organs: Make sure your internal organs are in optimal health; without them being healthy, all body functions deteriorate. The heart is a powerful organ that pumps blood full of nutrients to nourish the whole body and it is an amazing electromagnetic field generator. The brain controls literally everything you want to do; nourishing it with both food and mind exercises are key to keep its function optimal. The liver is one of the most precious organs you want to take care of; it detoxifies chemicals, metabolizes drugs and filters the blood coming from the digestive tract. The pancreas with insulin secretion that controls blood sugar and fat distribution, the kidneys with filtering minerals from blood and maintaining fluid balance, and so forth.

3. Eat Organic Food: Choosing your food daily can affect your body daily. Pick the food that promotes the well-functioning of your organs. Stay away from canned and processed food, vegetables that are not organic and chicken or meats that are not pastured (That includes the eggs too). Have a well-balanced diet with natural “alive” food and I promise you that your daily needs of food will drop tremendously with no drop in energy level or muscle mass. Eating tons of “unnatural” food overwhelms your system, forcing it to work harder to digest it; as a result, your body will need longer period of rest (Sleep) to recover.

4. Exercise Regularly: Physical exercise is great for both your brain and body. Whatever your goal is (Burning fat, building muscle mass or staying fit) following a workout routine is always what you need. Mind that everything you do is interrelated, exercise improves your health in general (Your internal organs included) it improves your digestion and elevates your energy levels.

5. Sleep: Sleep is inevitable if you want your body to work at its optimal level. The system in our bodies require some time of inactivity to replenish itself. However, there is a misconception about the ideal amount of sleep, which is actually never the same for everybody. Try to go by the idea mentioned in the food section. Watch the food that enters your mouth and you won’t need as much hours of sleep as someone with bad eating habits; the only difference is that with correct eating , you are helping your body focus more energy to do many things other than just eating and sleeping. After all, sleeping eight hours a day (In a 24 hour day) means one third of your life is gone for nothing.

6. Hydration: Your body is made of water. In order for the body to function well, you need to be drinking no less than eight cups a day; yet if you have a bigger body or have a very active physical job, you definitely need to drink more. Have your water on separate occasions throughout the day and avoid having big quantities at once and none at times.

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